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Company Structure

Pitcaithly Body Corporate Services Limited is a private Company with its Registered Office in Christchurch.

The principal Shareholders and Directors of our Company are Olly and John Pitcaithly (a father and son team) and, in addition to work undertaken by other family members, full-time assistants are employed.

Our Company also engages reliable independent Contractors in their various fields to carry out all necessary Common Property maintenance tasks as and when required - either for regular work duties on an ongoing basis or to attend to one-off tasks.

Meet the Team

Olly Pitcaithly

Olly has a career background in the Accountancy field and he is a past member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of NZ. Until 1987, Olly was a Partner at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Chartered Accountants and for over 20 years he was responsible for a wide range of business assignments for clients both domestic and international.

Upon his early and amicable retirement from Deloittes, Olly founded a business consultancy Company, O W Pitcaithly Management Services Limited, and over the years much of its work became connected with the Bodies Corporate surrounding various Unit Title Developments. In 2001 the Company's name was changed to Pitcaithly Body Corporate Services Limited in order to more appropriately reflect the changed nature of its business.

John Pitcaithly

Following his five years private secondary schooling, John initially worked at various levels within the Building Industry and this has provided us with an ideal background for setting up the contracts and arrangements to carry out the many property maintenance tasks that arise at our Body Corporate complexes. Additionally, his experience has proved to be invaluable in the post earthquake scene in Christchurch.

John spent three years in the UK in 1998-2001 engaged in various IT assignments some of which involved working at other European sites. Upon his return to New Zealand, he joined our Company and undertook an intensive training period to familiarise himself with the intricacies of the Body Corporate world. As well, he has applied his extensive computer experience to significant development of our automated systems. Through John, we have set the scene for the future growth and permanence of our Company and the services it provides.

Mission Statement

The primary focus of everything we are required to do at Pitcaithly Body Corporate Services Limited is to be directed towards maintaining and enhancing the value of the Units owned by our Unit Owner clients.

We will achieve this by using all of our skills and experience in discharging our duties at all times and in dealing with every situation we encounter and also by preparing soundly researched and realistic budgets which we will recommend to the Owners of the Units for adoption. Naturally, the degree of funding that the Unit Owners are prepared to provide for maintenance and upkeep costs will have a major impact on the value of their Units as well.